Save and investment insurances

For private persons, independent persons, and managing directors. We can connect you with strong asset insurers.  The benefits and possibilities offered by those insurers, are not yet well-known by everyone, but certainly are of great value.

For your investments we offer insurances with or without capital guarantee. 

Further we offer solutions for all forms of fiscal saving contracts related to Pension Building.

We pay lots of attention to  transparency, historic return rates, information about the management, clear finanical info sheets.  All this for building a strong advise related to a product that matches as good as possible with your desires and your identity.  

Two important choices : 

  • How do you choose your product ?
  • How do you choose your insurer for capital management ?

The different available forms of contracts, foreseen for pension building, are visualized in this scheme :

Scheme Pension Savings

More information or an appointment?

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